kōtukutuku (Tree Fuchsia)
Kōtukutuku (Fuchsia excorticata) is considered to be the world’s largest fuchsia. In damp forest it can grow to 12 metres tall and form a trunk over 1 metre in diameter. It is one of New Zealand’s few truly deciduous trees, losing its leaves in winter in all but the warmest areas. Attractive, small flowers appear between August and December. They change from greenish-yellow to purple-red.

Quick facts
Growing up to 15 metres tall, this New Zealand native is the largest fuchsia in the world. It is found throughout New Zealand, and particularly likes to grow alongside streams and rivers.
One of the few deciduous native trees, the tree fuchsia not only drops leaves, but also sheds its bark. This dishevelled winter appearance (not helped by its gnarled, not often upright, growth habit) is transformed when the flowers appear in spring.
Initially green-yellow, the flowers change to purple-red and are a rich source of nectar for birds such as tūī, tītapu and pihipihi. While feasting, the birds get covered by distinctive blue coloured pollen.
With thanks to the Trees That Count as the source for this information and images