Ecosanctuary Newsletter
Plant Protectors Working Bee at Point Bush Ecosanctuary
Sunday 22nd September and Monday 23rd September
10am - 3pm
The pest wallabies are now eliminated from the Ecosanctury! We are now able to resume planting of native trees without fear of browsing wallabies! We are currently planting on the grass hillside above the start of the Big Easy Track and would welcome your help in placing plant protectors as a protective cover. PLEASE JOIN US on Sunday 22nd September and Monday 23rd September
if you are able to for as long as you want between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Bring gloves, a hammer (if you have one) not essential but helps to tap the bamboo canes in place more firmly. Warm clothing layers, gumboots or boots, Sunhat, sunscreen and water bottle.
The weather on Sunday looks to be fine!
We need helping hands to put the canes and protectors around the native tree plants.... we've even got a quick video from Ann + Gary demonstrating how simple it is... all we now need are hands and time to spend helping out
If you can join us to give half an hour, an hour, for those wanting an opportunity to get outdoors ...bring your friends, family and willing kids.
What to bring:
Wear warm clothing/layers, gumboots or waterproof shoes, gardening gloves, water bottle, snacks. If you have a hammer this can be handy too for getting the bamboo stakes into the ground in places.
Who to contact:
Ann Dennison 021 576 868
Gary Dennison 021 67 3327
or email
AUGUST 2024 - SONZI Conference
Point Bush Ecosanctuary is a member of The Sanctuaries of New Zealand (SONZI)In August, Trust members Gary and Ann Dennison, along with Ecosanctuary regular Trapping Volunteer Danny attended the SONZI 2024 conservation conference held at Orokonui Ecosanctuary - Te Korowai o Mihiwaka near Dunedin. The 3 x day conference/workshop with some 110 delegates from all over New Zealand gathered and "plugged in" to vibrant sessions, presentations and workshops culminating in a guided tour around the ecosanctuary. SONZI gahterings always provide a wonderful opportunity to share discuss and meet many other participants and presenters, including this year students from Otago and Canterbury Universities. Presenters (specialists in their fields) covered a wide range of topics provoking much to discuss, much to cause concern as well as much to celebrate as accomplished achievements. There was non-stop conversation buzzing....highlighted by the fabulous venue and equally fabulous catering provided by "His and Hers" caterers based in Port Chalmers. SONZI annual conferences provide a unique opportunity and great opportunity for conservationalists and those involved in many of New Zealand's sanctuaries around the motu to come together to discuss share wins, challenges and aspirations. The conference was held over three days from 13th - 15th August 2024 with the venue being the delightful architecutral designed Orokonui Visitors Centre and Horipito Cafe , elevated at some 500m with panoramic views over the 307 Ha fenced ecosanctuary near Dunedin. An ecological wildlife reserve developed by the Otago Natural History Trust in the Orokonui Valley between Waitati and now has a live 24/7 camera situated in the sanctuary focused on a busy Kaka bird feeding station.
NOVEMBER 2023 - Conservation Award
Canterbury Aoraki Conservation Board
Conservation Trophy Award + $500 Donation
Awarded to Point Bush Ecological Restoration as joint 1st with
Rangiora Girls High School
Gary Dennison attended the ceremoney in Christchurch on 2nd November 2023
and accepted the Award on behalf of the PBERT Trustees
By mutual agreement the Rangiora Girls High School held the Trophy for the
first 6 months and then it was transferred to Point Bush Ecological Restoration Trust
for remaining 6 months.
Bennett Wallaby eradication within the Point Bush Ecosanctuary
The 95Ha ecosanctuary was pest predator fencing was completed in June 2021. With the area fully encircled by fencing,trapping of pests and predators became paramount, especially wallaby (introduced into the Hunter Hills from Tasmania in the mid 1800's) and have since become a major issue. Wallaby breed and if left unchecked, numbers increase in a short space of time. They browse relentlessly on emerging regenerating native plants and trees. Despite regular shooting to control numbers, by March of 2023it was alarming to see how many wallaby were in the ecosanctuary and sighted regularly during daytime by walkers and mountain bike riders on the tracks. Also, the evidence of numerous "wallaby tracks" through the grass, well worn tracks on earth banks and footprints meant that urgent and effective measures needed to be taken. The Trust has liaised closely with Environment Canterbury(E-CAN) since the concept of an ecosanctuary evolved several years ago. Discussion on wallaby control with the Trust and E-CAN led to E-CAN providing support and siginifanct funding, enabling the Trust to consult with professional contractors in order to deal once and for all with the wallaby problem.
In the Winter of 2023, Contracting was tasked to conduct an aerial toxic poison operation to primarily target wallabies, as well as other mammalian pests. The operation began with an aerial prefeed on June 8th 2023, where 300kg of cereal prefeed pellets were distributed aerially. On July 26th 2023, the toxic application was dropped, involving both aerial and ground-based methods. 250kg was dispersed aerially from a helicopter, while 50kg was manually spread along the sanctuary's perimeter to avoid overspilling the boundary and to ensure adequate coverage on the grass verges, which were among the wallaby's preferred food sources within the sanctuary. The Ecosanctuary gates were locked the day before the bait was applied and re-opened in August following checks.
At the start of October, Contractors conducted a night of Thermal UAV (Drone) assisted ground hunting followed by another shorter night of ground hunting using Thermal Imaging equipment. Further checks using Thermal Assisted UAV surveillance and installed trail cameras continued through October and November.
There has been no further signs or sightings of wallaby since end of November 2023, some 9 months now, and we have concluded that the Point Bush Ecosanctuary is now wallaby-free! A fantastic feat! We have already seen regeneration of native plants establishing growth untouched by browsing wallaby which will in the long run allow native plants and trees to emerge through the gorse cover on the hillside and once growth surpasses gorse height, creates an overhead canopy blocking the light and supresses the gorse! A resounding thank you to Glent Brentworth, Kennedy Lange, Jason Hawker (Environment Canterbury) personnel who
provided so much support and funding to the Trust to enable this project to be undertaken.
Further Planting
With wallaby eradicated, we resumed the native tree plantings (delayed last winter) and commenced planting in July 2024.
The aim is to plant out a further 15,000 native trees and plants to complement the 13,000 planted out in 2022.
We used re-purposed vineguards and canes as plant protectors (very useful) and many volunteers lent a hand to the task of
covering new plantings on the hill top. The survival rate is most encouraging given the 450m hill ridge gets a battering from
winds and chilled air temperature. The plantings happening now are on the lower section of hillside and more protected area
By the end of September, new plantings will cover some 3.5 Ha of ecosanctuary.
NB: E-CAN and MPI continue with their intensive wallaby management control programme to limit the spread into Otago, Mackenzie Country. South Canterbury is designated as the wallaby Containment area and now borderd by a new wallaby deterent fence (50Klm in length) installed from Benmore to Tekapo plus there are numerous roadsigns placed at strategic highways for anyone spotting wallaby to REPORT it. New initiatives are being trialled including...Undercover wallabies" a potential pest control..dubbed "Judas wallabies" with some 10 wallabies captured by conservation staff, fitted with a GPS collar (tracking device) and released back to the wild to effectively "dob" in the location of their mates, allowing hunters to track and shoot rogue wallabies that have spread from Canterbury into Otago. An inovative way to track wallabies in difficult terrain. Check out
Photos to be included (helicopter dropping bait + views over Waimate)
sent through on separate email
ngā mihi,
November 2022 - Ecosanctuary High Viz Vests for Volunteers
Something on the “Wish List” has been to acquire High Viz Vests for volunteers helping in the Ecosanctuary for use by volunteers working In the Bush, pulling pest plants, planting out or clearing traps. A recent donation by donor William P was very welcome and funds have now been used to purchase a supply of branded High Viz Vests. Thank You!
It really is true that donations help turn visions into reality!
Our thanks and appreciation to all our Grant Funders, Donors, Sponsors and Supporters
Trapping and documenting of pests and predators through TRAPNZ
January 2021 to November 2022
Wallaby = 306
Possum = 173
Rats = 78
Weasels = 18
Stoats = 10
Ferret = 1
Ferrell cats = 9
Hedgehogs = 110
Rabbits = 8
volunteer hours to November 2022 = 1,200 hours
November 2022 Whitehorse Walkway : New steps being built on track
The popular Whitehorse Walkway runs uphill through the Ecosanctuary to the iconic Whitehorse Monument that was recently upgraded at the Centrewood Park (includes much needed picnic area, signage and toilets). Waimate Trackways Committee in conjunction with the Trustees maintains the track and through Trackways, funding was applied for to build a set of timber framed steps at the steepest section of the Walkway that has long caused issues being prone to slippery mud conditions necessitating a rope “handle” lashed to nearby tree trunks. Martin - Master craftsman of Building Crafts commenced work on constructing steps over the 50m stretch of track. This will make walking this section so much safer. Volunteers helped cart the pre-cut timber and shingle to the site
Waimate Trackways Project
Grant funding through Waimate District Council Recreational Fund
Builder : Martin Mlcoch - Building Crafts Waihao Downs
August 2022 - Totara Tree Planting by The Community Trust of Mid & South Canterbury
The Trustees were delighted to welcome Grant Funders to plant a Totara Tree in the Ecosanctuary by way of a thank you for their support and community funding for the Ecosanctuary.
August-September 2022 -Further Native tree plantings in the Ecosanctuary
A further 3,000 native plants were planted out on the front facing grassy slope of the Ecosanctuary. Low to medium height canopy trees that will enhance the start of the Big Easy Track.
Contractor : Waimate Landscaping Ltd.
Funding : MPI One Billion Tree Fund
September 2022 Ecosanctuary Sponsors - Post Name Plaques
Trustees were pleased to acknowledge a number of donors by way of
A named Post Plaque on the fence posts.
Colin and Pauline Dore/Allan Smith and family/Arnstead Organics/Blair Laurie
To become an Ecosanctuary Donor - see details on the website
August 2022 - Sanctuaries of New Zealand Conference
Trustees attended a 3 day annual conference in Nelson, organised and attended by members of SONZI (Sanctuaries of New Zealand) and a number of conservation agencies. An opportunity to network and liaise with nation-wide Sanctuaries to learn about the many conservation projects being undertaken with NZ Predator Free 2050 being key. It was a vibrant 3 days and a great opportunity.
August 2022 - Wild Wet and Windy Weather
July saw some of the wettest and windiest winter conditions resulting in
Large trees toppled, large slips that smothered sections of the Big Easy
Track and closed off the Ecosanctuary for a period of time.
Members of the Whitehorse Riders MTB group spent several long
Work sessions clearing away fallen trees and bulldozing through slips
To restore the tracks. Incredible effort by all!
June-July 2022 Construction of Signage Board Entrance Hut
Construction of Signage Shelter Hut Entrance-way to the Ecosanctuary Completed. Awaiting new track signage and Map of Tracks being designed by Hamish Seaton through Waimate2gether. Signage project funded by Waimate2gether
Construction of shelter hut by Boothys Building
June-July 2022 - Creation of new Mountain Bike/Walking Tracks
The Whitehorse Riders MTB group in liaison with the Ecosanctuary Trustees approved plans to extend and include additional safe gradient MTB tracks. Contractor Andrew Bailey - track making specialist of M3 Earthworks commenced work on an exciting upgrade of MTB tracks to enhance the Recreational walking and biking aspect of the Ecosanctuary. Grant funding through the Waimate District Council Recreational Grant Fund.
MAY 2022 - additional DOC Pest Predator traps set out
An additional 40 DOC pest predator traps were set out in the Ecosanctuary Purchase of materials to make traps was made possible through funding From the Rotary Club of Waimate. There are now 100+ traps set out. Wood bench seat built and set out in the Ecosanctuary with stunning views.
MAY 2022 - Continuation of Native Tree Planting within the Ecosanctuary
A further 15,000 native plants and trees (medium to high canopy) were planted by contractors in designated cleared areas on the hill top of the Ecosanctuary and on the lower grass front face hillside.
Several working bees with volunteers placing plant protectors on new plantings help to reduce risk of wallaby grazing damage and to protect vulnerable plants against wind and chill factor at 400m hill- top level.
Headford Propagators supplied native plants
Funding through the MPI One Billion Tree Fund
February 2022 - Upgrade of Entranceway and start of Big Easy MTB Track
Through funding by the Waimate District Council Recreational Grant Fund, An upgrade to the start of the 7.5 Klm Big Easy Walking and Mountain Bike track was undertaken with Parkside Quarries Oamaru donating a significant amount of lime chip to resurface this section of track. Looks impressive!
Track work was undertaken by a specialist track maker in conjunction with the Trustees and Whitehorse Riders MTB group.
Funding through Waimate District Council Recreational Fund
November 2021 - Pinus Radiata (re-growth) aerial spray control
Prior to the Ecosanctuary being established, re-growth of pinus radiata trees left over from a former area planted in Pinus Radiata required to be either felled or sprayed off. Area planted in exotic forestry required to be either felled or sprayed off. Be aerial spraying the pines die in situ providing a perch for birds and (hopefully) a natural native seed spreader. Terrain was difficult to tackle by conventional contractor spraying means. An aerial spray program to tackle some 2,000 pine wildings within the Ecosanctuary was undertaken in October/November 2021 by an engaged
specialist contractor. Agri-drone Solutions Continuation of this aerial spray project to be continued in Nov/Dec 2022.
Volunteer Group working bee in the Ecosanctuary
Company staff from a Timaru based office spent a half day on a working bee’ session taking out pest plants in the Ecosanctuary.
June - July 2021 E-CAN Pest Predator Bait programme
A fully funded Feratox Bait pest predator programme was conducted by contractors through Environment Canterbury (E-CAN); resulting in 155 wallaby and 60 possum successful strike. Further night shoots with thermal imaging have since been conducted with a further bait programme planned for winter 2023. There is now a much reduced wallaby and possum population within the fenced
area. The aim is to achieve a total Wallaby and possum free fenced zone.
Funding through E-CAN
June 2021 - Pest Predator Fence completed
Completed 4.5 Klm of pest predator fencing comprising 1.8m deer fence with galvanized steel mesh reinforced section on lower half and skirt. External fence hot wire. 4 x custom designed metal self-closing access gates and 3 x vehicle access gates. The fence is designed to restrict incursions of
Wallaby, possum and mustelids. A trapping and bait program has been Initiated to monitor and eliminate pest predators within the sanctuary. Local Contractors: Wratt Fencing Contractors, Leathwick Contracting Ltd. Rollinson Engineering
Grant Funders: National Lottery, The Community Trust of Mid & South
Canterbury, Alpine Energy, Aoraki Foundation, RSM Law, private donors
January 2021 Predator Pest trapping commenced
Department of Conservation (DOC) held predator trapping training sessions for volunteers. The Trust purchased a number of DOC traps and set out trapping lines of some 60 traps with mouse/rat bait stations within the Ecosanctuary. The Trust established a trapping data base - TRAPNZ
Volunteers commenced assisting with trapping and pest plant control recording and monitoring data.
Grant funding for purchase of traps and trail cameras through Waimate District Council