While we are a small but mighty team, we do love to hear from people just like you!
Please fill out the contact form below, and you will hear back from us shortly (bear with us, we are usually out on the ecosanctuary site any chance we can get ... we aim for within 48hours)
Ann & Gary
Want to buy wine? Visit our ONLINE CELLAR DOOR HERE
We are proud to continue to share our wonderful range of cellared wines with you dear friends, with our online cellar door store available to you 24/7 to shop from the comfort of your own home!
The best news yet - 100% of your money goes towards our beloved Point Bush Ecosanctuary! Yes, you read that right... 100%! You can buy our Point Bush Wines vintages cellared from 2008 through to 2016, with free shipping anywhere in New Zealand. These wines just keep getting better with age and they are doing wonderful things for our native flora and fauna with every sip!
Point Bush Ecological Restoration Trust
Established in August 2019 for the benefit of the local Waimate Community and Visitors. The 4.5 Klm (94Ha) pest predator fenced site was completed in June 2021 by the Trus with the vision to protect and preserve remnants of ancient native forest of tōtara, mataī, kahikatea, kо̄whai and native fuschia (that survived the great fire of 1878) and to replant 20,000 + native trees alongside the regenerating forest - home to endemic native birdlife including korimako (Bellbird), tui, Kereru (Native Wood Pigeon), piwakawaka (Fantail), titipounamu (Rifleman). A pest predator trapping programme commenced in January 2021 and to-date some 300 wallaby, 190 possum, numerous mustelids, rats and mice have been eliminated with a number of DOC traps set throughout the sanctuary. The vision is to become a wallaby and mustelid free sanctuary to enable the safe re-introduction of SI Robin and tieke (Saddleback). The Ecosanctuary has a number of recreational walking and mountain bike tracks maintained by volunteers from the local groups. The Ecosanctuary has a QE11 covenant status 2022.
Our vision is to allow the native forest to return as part of a long term conservation aim; to protect and enhance this unique natural environment, to create a place for the community to connect with nature and as an educational resource. The fenced Ecosanctuary will remain in perpetuity as a free to access facility gifted to the community - made possible by the many Sponsors and Donors of the Point Bush Ecosanctuary.
Donate through the Ecosanctuary website GIVEALITTLE
contact us direct to become a TŌTARA * KAHIKATEA * HOROEKA Donor or Sponsor
Donations help turn visions into reality!
As the Ecosanctuary grows and matures, plans include elimination of pest predators
and wallaby to facilitate eventual introduction of SI Robin and Tieke native bird species.
Use of devised technology/Aps to monitor trapping and bio-diversity data
* WIFI network coverage of the Ecosanctuary
* Development of Ecosanctuary Ap featuring map/tracks/native flora & fauna
* Bio/blitz data base development
* Establishment of Biodiversity Educational Hub/Forest School area
* Informational & Educational Signage of native flora & fauna species
* Ecosanctuary track map/Ap
* Traps/bait/trail cameras
* Track maintenance tools/equipment/herbicides/fence maintenance
* Visitor Centre - community events/ workshops/talks/trap training
Find Us Online & Make A Donation
Our donations are made through our GIVEALITTLE page - you can select the financial contribution you would like to make! If you would like to make a donation as a TŌTARA DONOR, KAHIKATEA DONOR or HOROEKA DONOR please contact us after making your donation of the corresponding amount via Givealittle on or alternatively you can contact our Trust Secretary Ann Dennison on +6421576868 to discuss your donation!